
Interviews with our employees

Jan-Henning Engelke, Operations Expert

“You have to be flexible. For me, that's what makes the job so appealing.“
Jan-Henning Engelke

Operations Expert

Spontaneously hopping on a plane and flying to a Rheinmetall plant abroad or receiving surprise visitors from the UK in Kassel - all part of Jan-Henning Engelke's job profile. The trained electronics technician for operating technology worked at Rheinmetall for several years in diagnostics, among other things, before moving to the relatively new Operations Kassel Experts department as Operations Expert (OE) in January 2021.
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Tim Gerland, Operations Expert Production

Dirk Gerland, Skilled Worker Mechanics

“The joint ride back home after work, that's our time to chat.“
Dirk Gerland

Skilled Worker Mechanics

Mr. Gerland, how did it come that you, like your father, started working at Rheinmetall?

Tim Gerland: After school, I started studying mechanical engineering, but that wasnt the right thing to do. I wanted something more tangible. The passion for machines and working on them has always been there, I don't know any other way. Together with my father, I always worked on agricultural and construction machinery or cars. After dropping out of university, we talked about what to do next. And then one thing led to another. I got the apprenticeship as a mechatronics technician right away.

Dirk Gerland: You have to say that the boy did a four-week unpaid internship at the company during the summer vacation when he was 15. He went through all the departments and got a good insight. And he was already known in the company.

As an operations expert, you probably don't spend that much time directly on the shop floor. Do you and your father overlap at work, or do you not see each other at all?
Did you think it was good that your son also joined the company?

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