

Up-to-date, transparent and objective communication

Up-to-date, transparent and objective communication is a matter of course within the Rheinmetall Group and addresses the rights and interests of the shareholders, media, and the general public. In accordance with the principle of fair disclosure, the relevant target groups are provided with information at the same time.
Eine Hand hält eine Glaskugel
Rheinmetall communicates openly, actively and in detail. Investors, potential investors, customers, employees, lenders, business partners, analysts and interested members of the public are informed regularly, promptly and without discrimination of the Company’s economic and financial situation, key developments, significant changes in business and any facts of relevance to valuation on the Internet at www.rheinmetall.com. Facts and circumstances that may influence the share price on the stock market are published immediately in ad hoc notifications in accordance with the legal regulations. Rheinmetall publishes securities transactions that are subject to reporting requirements in the media required by law and on its website.

Rheinmetall Platz 1

40476 Dusseldorf


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