
Dr.-Ing. Dr. Ing. E. h. Klaus Draeger

Supervisory Board – Biography

Born 1956
Nationality: German

Executive Advisor

First appointment: May 9, 2017
Appointed until the end of the Annual General Meeting 2026.


  • Nominating Committee
  • Strategy, Technology and ESG Committee


Dr. Klaus Draeger is not a member of any other statutory supervisory boards or comparable domestic or foreign supervisory committees of commercial enterprises.

Dr. Klaus Draeger was born on September 3, 1956, in Konstanz. Following his high school graduation in 1975, he studied mechanical engineering at the University of Karlsruhe (TH) from 1975 to 1981, graduating as a certified engineer. In 1985, he received his doctorate there. He started his career at the BMW Group in 1985 as a trainee in production. Other milestones included Quality Assurance (1987 to 1991), as well as leadership functions in the Procurement Engineering for Drives, Chassis, and Motor Sports (1991 to 1993), Special Model Procurement (1993-1995), and Technical Procurement for BMW South Africa (1996-1999). Upon his return to Germany, he assumed leadership of Interior Bodywork Procurement in 2000. In 2002, he was put in charge of Bodywork Development; in 2004 he took over the Large Model Series unit. He joined the Executive Board of BMW AG in 2006. Until 2012, he was responsible for the Development sub-department. Starting in 2012, he was in charge of the Procurement and Supplier Network executive department. Upon reaching the age limit, Dr. Klaus Draeger left the Executive Board of BMW AG at the end of September 2016.

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