28/08/2023 | Press release
H2 energy: Rheinmetall’s Hydrogen Products and Technology unit wins new multimillion-euro order
Key facts
- Rheinmetall wins another multimillion-euro order for fuel cell components
- Successful expansion of new Hydrogen Products and Technology unit in the mobile and stationary applications
domain - Talks ongoing with other customers
- Longstanding expertise, superb quality, extremely low leakage and a long service life define these products
The tech enterprise Rheinmetall AG has won a new order worth a figure in the lower two-digit million-euro range for cathode and shut-off valves from one of Europe’s largest and most influential specialists for fuel cell applications in the heavy transport sector. In total, the Group has already won six series customers for cathode flaps, increasing the 2023 booked business in this product area to around €50 million. In total, around €200 million has already been booked for all fuel cell components this year. Rheinmetall sees this latest order success as confirmation of its decision to systematically further develop the high market potential of hydrogen components with the newly established Hydrogen Products and Technology business unit within the Sensors and Actuators division.
In all, the customer has ordered several hundred thousand flaps, with three flaps installed per stack. These are series production parts; spare parts will be supplied later as needed. The cathode flaps can be utilized universally. Optimized in terms of weight and size, they fit into even the smallest installation spaces with bore diameters down to just 28 mm. The shut-off valves deliver maximum sealing performance, achieved through a special double-eccentric flap design. The Rheinmetall flap systems ordered here control the flow of fresh and exhaust air and isolate the fuel cell stacks on the cathode side at the inlet and outlet points from the ambient environment.
Following the first sample deliveries in 2019 and successful testing of the B sample design, production is set to start in 2026 and continue until 2030 at Rheinmetall’s Berlin plant, where production lines have been modified for greater output volumes and a higher degree of industrialization. Rheinmetall will be supplying the components directly to the customer.
Ready availability and yearlong expertise as a maker of control valves with high durability and extremely low leakage for cars and trucks give Rheinmetall a leading technological position. The Group continues to widen its lead as a global supplier of flaps and valve systems for cars and commercial trucks as well as off-road, rail, maritime and stationary applications. The order vindicates once again Rheinmetall’s strategy of focusing on hydrogen-related components, while simultaneously helping to pave the way for the automotive industry’s successful transformation from conventional drive technology to modern, environmentally friendly mobility.
In line with Germany’s national hydrogen initiative, Rheinmetall AG is an industrial partner of the new Hydrogen Innovation and Technology Centre in Duisburg. The Group’s Sensors and Actuators division develops innovative solutions for
supporting industry with high-quality hydrogen-related products that enable efficient and reliable use of fuel cells.
The Group engages in a continuous in-depth dialogue with other customers for mobile and stationary applications for fuel cell technology, fostering new business potential and increasing the likelihood of additional nominations.
In all, the customer has ordered several hundred thousand flaps, with three flaps installed per stack. These are series production parts; spare parts will be supplied later as needed. The cathode flaps can be utilized universally. Optimized in terms of weight and size, they fit into even the smallest installation spaces with bore diameters down to just 28 mm. The shut-off valves deliver maximum sealing performance, achieved through a special double-eccentric flap design. The Rheinmetall flap systems ordered here control the flow of fresh and exhaust air and isolate the fuel cell stacks on the cathode side at the inlet and outlet points from the ambient environment.
Following the first sample deliveries in 2019 and successful testing of the B sample design, production is set to start in 2026 and continue until 2030 at Rheinmetall’s Berlin plant, where production lines have been modified for greater output volumes and a higher degree of industrialization. Rheinmetall will be supplying the components directly to the customer.
Ready availability and yearlong expertise as a maker of control valves with high durability and extremely low leakage for cars and trucks give Rheinmetall a leading technological position. The Group continues to widen its lead as a global supplier of flaps and valve systems for cars and commercial trucks as well as off-road, rail, maritime and stationary applications. The order vindicates once again Rheinmetall’s strategy of focusing on hydrogen-related components, while simultaneously helping to pave the way for the automotive industry’s successful transformation from conventional drive technology to modern, environmentally friendly mobility.
In line with Germany’s national hydrogen initiative, Rheinmetall AG is an industrial partner of the new Hydrogen Innovation and Technology Centre in Duisburg. The Group’s Sensors and Actuators division develops innovative solutions for
supporting industry with high-quality hydrogen-related products that enable efficient and reliable use of fuel cells.
The Group engages in a continuous in-depth dialogue with other customers for mobile and stationary applications for fuel cell technology, fostering new business potential and increasing the likelihood of additional nominations.