ASLS – Acoustic shooter locating system
The compact Shooter Locating System consists of a powerful acoustic sensor with integrated analysis electronics and a compact control and display unit. The sensor, designed for 360-degree coverage, has eight specialized microphones that measure the acoustic fingerprint of discharged weapons.
Main Features
- Can be integrated into vehicles of all types
- Wireless communication with control and display unit assures easy installation
- Position sensors compensate for vehicle movement
- Compact, robust system design with built-in signal processing and battery pack
- Low weight and low power consumption
- Full coverage of complete azimuth and elevation
- Automatic, instantaneous alarm function (acoustical/visual)
- Precise identification of the shooter’s position is assured even with noise in the vicinity of the vehicle
- Extensive detection range for loud artillery shells and quieter muzzle blasts
- Low false alarm rate even in urban environments
- Recording and display of previous events
- Intuitive operation following brief familiarization
- Use of georeferenced information in C4I-systems owing to integrated GPS
- Automatic activation of sensors and weapon stations (e.g. FLW200)