Skyblazer 360 – Sensor for wide area surveillance
Wide area surveillance
360° starring array with automated object tracking and identification
Skyblazer 360 provides continuous, passive 360° wide area surveillance in the LWIR band with high-performance threat detection and tracking. Skyblazer 360 addresses a multitude of short-range air defence applications including VSHORAD, C-UAS and counter-small air targets.Skyblazer can be configured for operations in the dismounted environment or optimised and configured for mounted vehicle applications.
Key features
- Static array of 16 high definition LWIR cameras at 60FPS
- Comprehensive GUI
- 100% probability of intercept
- Panoramic stitching to deliver a single stitched view
- ROI/threat windows with zoom view
- Automated object detection, tracking, identification and range estimation
- Modular SWaP and HMI configurations
- Powerful processing architecture
- Overhead detection module with additional 4–8 sensors
For download