

Devices for signalling, illumination and irritation

Crowd & Riot Control
Pyrotechnics can help friendly forces and law enforcement agencies to deal with unruly demonstrators and violent offenders during crowd and riot control operations, enabling them to respond to threats swiftly in a non-lethal manner, from a safe standoff and without risk of injury to either side. Rheinmetall has developed several highly effective irritant devices based on the submunition concept, which eject small loads of irritant submunitions from a single projectile. This assures fast, effective dispersion of irritants without causing injuries. Moreover, unlike with conventional tear gas canisters, there is no risk of them being thrown back.

Rheinmetall has the right irritant device for every scenario, with ranges and effects varying in accordance with the tactical requirements of different user groups, e.g. police or military. Among other items, the company’s crowd and riot control product line includes irritant grenades, irritant launchers, irritant cartridges and 4-bang "warning shot" cartridges.

Illumination & signalling

Rheinmetall also offers a diverse array of fast-acting, high-performance illumination and signalling devices for every conceivable military and law enforcement scenario in both the visual and infrared spectrum. Available in a variety of colours, signal smoke grenades also figure prominently in our portfolio.

High reliability and safety are designed into every Rheinmetall illumination and signalling device. Steady improvements in effectiveness, reliability and handling safety also accompanied development of the new MITHRAS handheld rocket family, which produces several effects while using a common, newly designed ignition mechanism. This standardized approach improves handling safety as well as reducing the need for costly training. Moreover, it is extremely reliable and fully confirms to STANAG 4497 safety standards.


Training & simulation

Rheinmetall’s battle sound simulators produce a variety of acoustic effects, significantly increasing the effectiveness and realism of combat training.
James Bond relies on pyrotechnics from Rheinmetall

The special effects of films involve a lot of pyrotechnics. Mithras, the hand held rocket for signalling and illumination, is used in the James Bond movie “Skyfall”. The rocket is a joint development of Rheinmetall and the British Army for reconnaissance and engagement of hostile forces, also at night.

Rheinmetall Unterlüß

Heinrich-Ehrhardt-Straße 2

29345 Unterluess



Phone: +49 5827 80-02

Fax: +49 5827 10 90

Rheinmetall Platz 1

40476 Dusseldorf


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