
Object Protection

Homeland security, protection of critical infrastructure and automobile amouring

Rheinmetall offers a wide range of high-effective active and passive protection solutions for internal security, civil defence missions as well as object protection.

The product range includes automotive object protection as well as effective protection of military and civil properties like forward operating bases, fighting positions and sensitive civil installations such as power plants.

Automotive Object Protection

Automobile armouring

Rheinmetall's customized versatile armour asset protection system can be adapted to the individual design of automobiles and the threat level in their particular area of operation. Rheinmetall uses state-of-the-art materials such as individually coated aramid, high-performance polyethylene and combinations of different ballistic materials. Virtually invisible and without affecting performance and handling, our automotive protection systems offer levels of protection in line with the most stringent international standards. Rheinmetall develops and manufactures protective systems for special vehicles produced by major OEMs such as Audi, BMW and Mercedes Benz. We also supply ballistic protection materials to retrofitting companies.
Protection of critical infrastructure

Protection of military and civil properties

With the help of high-performance concealment systems, threatened installations can completely vanish in a cloud of artificial smoke in a matter of seconds. This makes it impossible to aim a plane directly into the target, significantly reducing the probability of a direct hit. The multi-spectral cloud is impenetrable to optical systems, infrared sensors and radar.

Concealment system for the protection of sensitive installations

Rheinmetall has developed a concealment system based on smoke/obscurant technology that automatically activates when a threat is detected in the security zone of a protected asset, producing a dense wall of artificial fog. This makes an accurate, visually guided attack impossible, significantly reducing the risk of a direct hit. Moreover, the concealment system can be augmented with a GPS jamming/spoofing system to prevent a successful GPS-guided attack.
SolarΣshield – Heat load reduction and signature management
SolarΣshield allows a significant solar heat load reduction on systems by natural air convection and artificial shadow. The SolarΣShield also allows multispectral signature management against thermal, visual, near infrared, radar, and ultraviolet detection. 

Pützchens Chaussee 58 a

53227 Bonn



Phone: +49 228 9750-3

Fax: +49 228 9750-480


Branch Buck Fronau

Fronau 13

83458 Schneizlreuth



Phone: +49 8651 703-0

Fax: +49 8651 703-70

Rheinmetall Platz 1

40476 Dusseldorf


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