
Looking to the future

Rheinmetall Italia

Rheinmetall Italia constantly updates its organization and internal processes to keep pace with market developments and emerging commercial opportunities, while focusing all its activities on the specific needs of customers.

Operating in strict adherence to ISO 9001 norms and NATO AQAP 2110 standards, the company constantly works to perfect its managerial principles based on the following fundamental points:
  • management by process of all activities;
  • development, training, involvement and motivation of personnel, our company’s most important resource;
  • extensive application of the most advanced techniques of project and process
  • management (enterprise project management, concurrent engineering, FMEA,
  • advanced management software, simulation and modelling of products and processes, interdisciplinary improvement groups, etc.);
  • systematic monitoring of performance and constant comparison with internal and external benchmarks;
  • involvement, integration, and encouraging accountability and trustworthiness in suppliers and industrial partners to enable them to contribute to, and participate in, mutual success;
  • fulfilment of expectations and creation of added value for customers, employees and shareholders.
Industrial collaboration
In order to maintain its competitive edge in technology and know-how, and to improve its position in the global marketplace, Rheinmetall Italia collaborates with important partners in national and multinational programmes.

In the defence sector, Rheinmetall Italia’s most important national and international activities currently include:
  • development of search and acquisition radar for the ADATS system, realized by Oerlikon AG of Switzerland in collaboration with Martin Marietta Inc. (USA);
  • integration of the Sparrow missile (Raytheon, USA) into a S/A launcher developed by Oerlikon Contraves;
  • integration of the Aspide missile (MBDA Italia) into the Skyguard Air Defence system;
  • participation in the Italian air defence Skyguard/Aspide programme as well as in the international PAAMS/SAMP programme with Selex/MBDA Italia;
  • international PAAMS/SAMP programme with Selex/MBDA Italia;
  • realization, together with MBDA France, of the Mistral Coordination Post, in which our own X-TAR25 acquisition radar is integrated;
  • co-production programmes with important international customers;
  • participation in international study groups organized by NATO and by EU agencies.
Logistical support
Rheinmetall Italia protects the long-term investments of its customers by supplying, updating and upgrading kits for systems already in service, significantly prolonging their operational life and effectiveness, and enabling them to cope with the new threats.

From the project stage onwards, our logistics specialists focus on such features as easy maintenance, easy repair and the number of spare parts and maintenance tools necessary during the entire lifetime of the system. Their activities encompass the following tasks:
  • Analysis of reliability, availability and maintainability (RAM);
  • Analysis of logistic support (LSA);
  • Issuing of technical documents such as:
    • Manuals
    • Illustrated parts lists
    • Illustrated parts catalogues
    • Technical and operative manuals
  • Training courses for operators and maintenance personnel.
Quality system
The success of a company increasingly depends on its ability to respond effectively and efficiently to the quality requirements imposed by the market on its products and services.

Rheinmetall Italia S.p.A. has thus developed and documented a quality management system that is constantly monitored and updated.

This system, described in the company’s quality manual and in the process descriptions to which the manual refers, has been evaluated and certified as conforming to the following standards:
  • UNI EN ISO 9001: 2000 - Requirements of Quality Management Systems;
  • AQAP 2110 NATO - Quality Assurance Requirements for Design, Development, Production;
  • AQAP 150 NATO - Quality Assurance Requirements for Software Development.
Further information

Via Affile 102

00131 Rom



Phone: +39 06 43611

Fax: +39 06 4130830

Rheinmetall Platz 1

40476 Dusseldorf


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