



On the occasion of the celebrations marking the 50th anniversary of the founding of the German Army, the prototype of the new Puma infantry-fighting vehicle is presented to the public for the first time.


September: In one of the Bundeswehr's most important modernisation projects, the "Infantryman of the Future" system, Rheinmetall is commissioned to design the new Puma infantry tank.


For the protection of armed forces in action as well as stationary installations and objects Rheinmetall Defence develops Protective Shield, a modular overall system, which networks command and control, reconnaissance, surveillance and effect systems and can be flexibly adapted to different operational scenarios.


Pierburg expands its worldwide location and service network with the founding of Pierburg India in Pune.


With the takeover of the majority share of 51% in Chempro GmbH in Bonn and the acquisition of an interest in Lohmar-based ADS Gesellschaft für aktive Schutzsysteme GmbH, Rheinmetall Defence expands its position as a systems supplier for land forces.


Rheinmetall is commissioned by the "FüInfoSys Heer" joint venture, in which the company holds a 50-percent stake, to equip major units of the Bundeswehr with an ultramodern command and information system.

The effectiveness of the "Corect" guidance module is demonstrated in firing tests.
Two modified MLRS test missiles are guided into the target with high precision at a firing distance of 20 kilometres.

At the IAA in Frankfurt, Kolbenschmidt Pierburg presents the image film "The Wedding", which wins several awards in the following months.


March: After a construction period of 14 months, KS Aluminium-Technologie moves into its new factory building for the finishing of engine blocks.


As a system manufacturer and current operator of the German Combat Training Centre (GÜZ), Rheinmetall is not only responsible for supplying the system but also provides extensive technical and logistical support to ensure smooth operation.

Rheinmetall Defence acquires a majority stake in South Africa's Denel Munition (Pty) Ltd., Pretoria, thus underlining its leading role in the field of weapons systems ammunition and related propulsion systems.


The medium calibre turret system MTS Lance is presented in live fire for the first time in Unterlüß.


Rheinmetall Land systems hands over the first of 21 vehicles of the latest generation of the Fuchs 1A8 transporter with IED (improvised explosive device) explosive charge (e.g. car bombs) and improved miner protection to the Army Logistics Centre, Bad Neuenahr, in Kassel.


The project started in 2004 to improve the quality of multi-base propellant powder production at the Aschau site (EMPA) is completed with the modernisation of the rollers and the process data acquisition.


Pierburg Pump Technology develops an electric oil pump that reduces power loss in the engine and thus CO2 emissions.


Kolbenschmidt Aluminium Technologie AG begins in the new finishing hall close cooperation with Porsche in complete production. All Porsche cylinder crankcases are manufactured by ATAG.


With the go-ahead for series production of the Puma infantry fighting vehicle - currently the largest European armament project for land forces - Rheinmetall Defence receives the most significant single order in the company's recent history.


The first Boxer series-production vehicle is handed over to OCCAR (Organisation Conjointe de Coopération en matière d'Armement) and the Federal Office of Defence Technology and Procurement (BWB).


Rheinmetall Defence is commissioned to equip the Halifax-class frigates of the Canadian Navy with the "Mass"  naval protection system.


Rheinmetall Defence Electronics is commissioned to manufacture the pre-series system of the "Infantry of the Future - Extended System" (IdZ - ES).


Rheinmetall Air Defence unveils the innovative NBS C-RAM air defence system, which marks the entry into a new generation of a comprehensive air defence system for the Bundeswehr (SysFla).


With LiteKS-2, KS Kolbenschmidt's innovative LiteKS lightweight piston concept is further developed.


As part of the initiated product diversification, KS Aluminium- Technologie GmbH starts volume production of aluminium cylinder heads in Germany.


Rheinmetall AG and MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG establish the joint company Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles GmbH (RMMV). This creates a major full-range supplier of wheeled military vehicles, covering the complete range of protected and unprotected transport, command and functional vehicles for international armed forces.


Rheinmetall Defence develops the AVIOR laser projection system, with which night vision training can be carried out very realistically and effectively in simulators using original mission equipment.


At the Ochsenboden testing centre in Switzerland, Rheinmetall demonstrates for the first time the performance of a high-power laser from Rheinmetall Waffe Munition integrated into a Skyshield air defence system.


Series production of the CWA400 electric coolant pump begins at Pierburg's Hartha plant. The first vehicle to receive the pump is the BMW 335i. At IAA Commercial Vehicles in Hanover, Kolbenschmidt presents a friction-welded monobloc steel piston that guarantees a longer service life than an aluminium piston

Further information
Rheinmetall Group celebrated its 125th anniversary in 2014
Rheinmetall share history
On March 20, 2023, the technology group Rheinmetall AG was included in Germany’s benchmark DAX index. This underlined the success of the company’s development over the course of 130 years. Rheinmetall has long been a fixture on the trading floor. Following the company’s founding in 1889 under the name “Rheinische Metallwaaren- und Maschinenfabrik Actiengesellschaft,” it went public in 1894. In 1996, the Düsseldorf-based company became a founding member of the MDAX (mid-cap DAX) and has been listed in this stock index without interruption ever since.

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