

Compact night combat capability: laser module in CQB

Asymmetric design

The Rheinmetall LM-LowProfile laser module is a compact laser aiming and IR illumination device designed to improve night combat capability and responsiveness in Close Quarters Battle (CQB). The weather-resistant all-metal housing (integrated Picatinny Rail mount (MIL-STD-1913/STANAG4694)) allows seamless attachment to assault rifles or submachine guns. The design of the laser module with IR laser, IR illuminator and visible aiming laser (red or green) impresses with its low mounting height on the Picatinny Rail of only 25 mm - due to the asymmetric design the LM-LowProfile can be used with common Iron Sights. The limitation of the maximum laser power of the LM-LowProfile is ensured with a blue safety screw.


Technical data
Case Characteristics
Length 85 mm
Width 65 mm
Height 35 mm
Mounting height 25 mm
Mounting Picatinny Rail (MIL-STD-1913/STANAG4694)
Weight incl. battery & mount 160 g
Waterproof (IP68), salt water resistance 30 m for 2 h
Test standard MIL-STD-810
Variable laser

Improved night combat capability and increased reaction speed - The LM-LowProfile laser module includes a powerful visible aiming laser, an IR laser and an IR illuminator.


For easy alignment of the lasers to the line of sight, the LM-LowProfile laser module includes the specially designed, factory-aligned Rheinmetall laser block.

Visible aiming laser (red or green)
When the LM-LowProfile is top-mounted on the Picatinny rail, all lasers pass by the weapon's pre-installed Iron Sight. The visible aiming laser enables an exact marking of the aimed target and increases the (first) hit probability. The range here depends on various environmental influences and is usually several hundred meters.

IR aiming laser (not visible)
The IR laser of the LM-LowProfile, which is not visible to the naked eye, is usually used in combination with night vision goggles (NVG). In this way, it enables a significant increase in night combat capability, surprising effect, and hit probability. The range here depends on various environmental influences and can reach up to 2000 m.

IR illuminator (not visible)
In addition, the LM-LowProfile laser module has an electronically focusable infrared illuminator, which is not visible to the naked eye. In combination with night vision goggles (NVG), this provides optimal illumination at night, in dark rooms and poorly lit target areas to support Close Quaters Battle (CQB).

Laser characteristics
Visible aiming laser  
Wavelength rot: 640 nm / grün: 520 nm
typ. output power rot: 60 mw / grün: 20 mW
Infrared aiming laser    
Wavelength 850 nm
typ. output power 30 mW
Infrared illuminator with el. focus  
Wavelength 850 nm
typ. output power 60 mW
Outstanding laser safety

To protect the eyes, the LM-LowProfile uses the concept of the power-limiting blue safety screw.
 "Train as you fight" - the use of the blue safety screw allows realistic training with mission-relevant equipment. The laser power is - depending on your choice - either reduced (training) or released to the maximum (combat).

Training mode | Laser class 2
Laser class 3R or 3B depending on configuration

All laser classes are defined according to IEC 60825-1:2014. Laser beams can cause eye damage. The user is responsible for compliance with the safety regulations.


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78333 Stockach



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